Dumb Supper- Oct 27th 7-9 PM
Dumb Supper- Oct 27th 7-9 PM
The dumb supper ritual that we’ve created is a consecration and creation of sacred space that will help facilitate the connection of ritual goers and their beloved dead. This sacred space is created with the intention of respect and honor for those wishing to connect with those who have passed on. Their ancestors, both ancestors of blood and of choosing as we would like to accommodate those who are unsure of their ancestral lineage, those who choose to not work with ancestors of blood due to trauma, and those who simply haven’t experienced much death in their lives.
This is a three course meal, eaten in reverse order, in silence by candlelight. The goal is to unbind the separation between the living and the dead so you can experience the closeness of your loved one without going through a third party. Matt and Aimee will open and close the ritual and lead attendees through everything in between. The space that we create will be one of love, respect, and healing.
Attendees are encouraged to dress in black and to bring an item associated with their departed like a photo, their favorite piece of jewelry, or something that reminds you of them. Participants must be able to hold silence during the course of the ritual (approximately an hour and a half). We also encourage you to bring Tupperware for leftover meals. Come with the intention of connection, honor, and respect.